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Access by car and parking:

  1. Mill Road bridge (over the railway) is open for cars so it’s easy to drive to us – but please be kind to cyclists if you drive over the bridge!
  2. Our parking spaces are off Thoday Street, which is one-way heading towards Mill Road. So approach from Coldham’s Lane, or turn off Mill Road into Catharine Street, then first right into St Philip’s Road, then first right into Thoday Street. Using the postcode of houses on Thoday Street might be useful for your Sat Nav: CB1 3AS. Do note that these streets are narrow, mostly one-way and bicycles may be going what seems like the “wrong way”.
  3. You’ll need advance permission to use one of our car parking spaces so please contact the office to make those arrangements or you might get a fine.
  4. Parking on the streets around the Church is free of charge and there are usually plenty of spaces.