Simplified terms and conditions
This page gives a simple version of how to book, pay, and cancel, as well as your responsibilities when you hire a room at St Philip’s Church Centre. We want things to be easy to understand and quick to read. Once your booking has been agreed we will send you a contract to sign and return with more details.
How to make a booking
- Contact us to ask if we have a room available at the time and price you would like. Arrange a visit to see the rooms and talk things through if it helps.
- Fill in our booking form and check you have the appropriate insurance and risk assessment.
- We will send you a hire contract which you should read, agree to, sign and return. If you have any questions then please ask.
How to pay
One-off bookings such as a concert or workshop should be paid for in full and in advance. An invoice will be sent when the booking is finalised. The booking is not confirmed until we have received your payment.
Regular bookings such as educational or exercise classes may be paid monthly in arrears and a deposit will be payable for new hirers as a guarantee. This deposit should be paid before the first session.
A deposit may also be required if keys are issued for opening or locking up the building outside our normal office hours.
Payment should be made within 2 weeks of receiving our invoice.
We prefer payments by bank transfer, but also accept cash or cheques. We are not able to process payments by credit or debit card.
Should you need to cancel your one-off booking please contact us as soon as you can. Cancellations 14 days or less before the event must still be paid for in full. For cancellations 15-28 days before the event we split the costs evenly with you so you need to pay 50%. For cancellations more than 28 days before the event we charge a 10% administration fee.
If you would prefer to move your booking to a new date then we would normally reduce the charges listed above.
For long-term, regular bookings (such as a weekly class) there’s a 2-month notice period from both sides for cancellations.
In very exceptional circumstances we might need to cancel your booking if there is a problem with the building (e.g. flood or fire), if another event has to take priority (e.g. government elections or a funeral), or if the Church decides your booking is unsuitable. In these cases we will refund any money already paid for your booking and not invoice you further. We cannot be held responsible for any other costs you might incur as a result of our cancellation and you should take out insurance if this is a concern.
Your responsibilities
We trust you to look after our facilities and treat them with care. The person named in the hire agreement will be present throughout and take responsibility for the behaviour of each member of the group. You will only use the rooms and equipment agreed, for the purposes agreed and only at the times specified. Should you move anything (such as tables and chairs) you will return them afterwards to leave things as you found them. All belongings and rubbish should be taken home with you at the end.
There might be groups using other rooms while you are with us. Please don’t disturb them for example by playing loud music or talking in the corridor outside the room they’re in.
You will not carry out any activities which are illegal or which cause harm to people, our property or the local environment. You must agree to our safeguarding policy to protect young and vulnerable people from harm. You will follow our fire safety rules to prevent a fire starting or spreading (such as no naked flames, safety-testing your electrical equipment and keeping fire doors closed) and you will be ready and capable to evacuate your group from the building if necessary and phone the fire brigade.
If you are issued with keys to open or lock the building you will take this task seriously and not allow people other than your group to enter the building. You will turn off all lights, lock all doors and windows and set the alarm when you leave (unless another group is still present).
Should there be any problems, breakages or damage you are to report this immediately and you might need to pay for repairs so should ensure that you have suitable insurance cover. You should also take out your own insurance for your event or group covering possible harm to the people present.
Last updated: February 2025