The St Philip’s building is situated on Mill Road at the centre of Romsey town, at one end of the “Broadway” area of shops. It dates from the start of the 20th century and the celebration of its centenary in part prompted the development of a vision for the creation of a modern facility to serve the requirements of the local community in the years ahead.

Built of brick and timber it was originally just one large open space inside with a porch on the side (main) entrance. In the 1970’s local property belonging to St Philip’s was sold in order to fund the conversion of the rear portion of the building and create a multi-use room (the “lounge”) plus smaller side rooms including a kitchen and toilets. In the 1980s a new glazed entrance on Mill Road was added and the kitchen and toilet areas enlarged.

These facilities were well used over the years for a variety of community focused activities, but for too long took second place, as far as spending was concerned, to the work of St Philip’s and its support of other initiatives such as Romsey Mill. The building was in need of refurbishment and improvement to meet the requirements of the community.
The church worked on its vision. Out of this came the dream to create a modern parish centre that would serve the needs of the church and community in the years ahead, one which would be a place of welcome and friendship. From early plans costing £250,000 to improve the place came more ambitious plans for a total revamp, with costs rising to over £1 million. The final bill came to £1.5m!
The refurbishment of the existing 100 year old church building aimed to create new and enhanced facilities providing a cafe area fronting Mill Road, additional meeting and group activity rooms, improvements of the ground floor rooms, additional office space, an improved kitchen and new toilets including disabled toilet facilities. It was an 11 year journey of faith!

Final designs were agreed, planning permission was obtained, much money was raised given by the congregation, but not enough. So, we agreed to sell the St Stephen’s site to C3 after a long process of prayerful and exacting thinking. This secured the funding to set the development into motion.
After over a year of construction, a temporary relocation to St Philip’s School, many meetings, problem solving and tough decisions, the new St Philip’s Church Centre opened on 16th June 2012.
Now having enjoyed the place for several years, we thank God for his faithfulness and the faithful hard-working team and congregation that made it possible. God is good!
We welcome you to join us in our light, airy, spacious modern building!